Implementing office ergonomics and conducting workstation assessments offer several benefits in reducing injuries, particularly related to repetitive strain injuries and conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. Key benefits of ergonomics include:

  • Reduced Risk of Injuries: Proper ergonomics reduce the strain on the body, decreasing the risk of injuries caused by repetitive motions, awkward postures, or excessive force. Ergonomic setups help prevent repetitive task injuries and musculoskeletal disorders which are common in workplaces where employees perform repetitive tasks.

  • Enhanced Comfort: Properly designed workspaces enhance employee comfort. This includes adjustable chairs, ergonomic keyboards, and monitors at the right height, all of which contribute to a more comfortable work environment.

  • Increased Productivity: Comfortable employees are more productive. Ergonomic workstations allow people to work more efficiently by reducing discomfort and fatigue. This leads to increased focus and productivity.

  • Higher Employee Retention: Employees are more likely to stay with a company where they feel safe and valued, reducing turnover rates and training costs.

  • Improved Employee Morale: When employers show concern for the well-being of their employees by investing in ergonomic solutions, it can boost morale. Employees feel valued, leading to higher job satisfaction, and potentially lower turnover rates.

  • Cost Savings: Preventing workplace injuries through ergonomics can save companies significant money in healthcare costs, workers' compensation claims, and lost productivity due to employee absences.

Services Available

Office Workstation Assessments

Not everyone is the same height or has the same physical requirements. Ergonomic assessments ensure that workstations are tailored to the individual person, optimizing health and well-being.

Office Workstation Assessments take 45 to 60 minutes and include: An interview and questionnaire; measurements of your workstation; posture and chair analysis; detailed report on risk factors and recommendations, including exercises specific to your work, equipment recommendations, and a follow up phone call or visit if required.

Home Office Assessments

Home Office Assessments take 45 to 60 minutes and include: An Interview and questionnaire; measurements of your workstation; posture and chair analysis; detailed report or risk factors and recommendations including exercises specific to your work, equipment recommendations, and a follow up phone call if needed.

Virtual Ergonomic Assessments

Assessments focus on the use of available resources (eg. office equipment, furniture, household items, etc.) to improve workstation set-up and use. Assessments take 30 minutes and include a detailed report outlining issues identified, changes made during the assessment, and recommendations for equipment and exercises. What do you need? Access to a mobile device with video calling capabilities and a measuring tape.

Book Online

Individual office, home workstation and virtual ergonomic assessments can be booked online.

Please note that at this time, only Saskatoon businesses and individuals can book office and home workstation assessments appointments online.

For group assessments of 2 or more, please fill out our contact form, or call 306-370-3447, to discuss the details of what you are looking for.